Fitting Children's Shoes

Preventing Intoeing in Toddlers with Supportive Shoes

Intoeing, sometimes referred to as “pigeon toes”, is a condition where a child’s feet turn inward when walking or standing. This condition commonly begins in infancy and, in some cases, resolves naturally as children grow. But sometimes, it does linger and can lead to challenges down the road such as balance issues, coordination, and walking […]

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Best Sandals for Kids with Intoeing – Prevent Foot Pain and Improve Foot Posture!

With the scorching summer heat, have you been having a hard time finding sandals for your kid with intoeing (also known as pigeon toes)? If your kids’ feet are turning inwards instead of straight when walking or running, then it’s highly likely that your kid has intoeing and it is key that you provide them […]

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The Best Kids’ Shoes for Intoeing – Let’s Improve your Child’s Walking Gait and Posture!

Have you noticed your child walking and running differently lately? If your child’s feet are turning inwards instead of straight when walking or running, then it’s highly likely that your child has a foot condition called intoeing. The good news is that certain shoes can help improve your child’s foot posture and walking gait. I have […]

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Best Orthotics for Kids with In-Toeing – Let’s Improve Your Child’s Posture by Preventing the Feet from Collapsing!

Do you have a child who has been diagnosed with in-toeing? Have you tried a pair of supportive shoes but your child’s feet still point inwards instead of pointing straight? I have put together a selection of the best orthotics for kids with in-toeing based on my 10 years of experience fitting children’s shoes and […]

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Gait Plates for Kids – Improve Your Child’s Foot Posture and Walking Gait

Have you noticed that your child’s feet point inwards instead of straight ahead? Is your child tripping and falling often? Many children who are diagnosed with in-toeing are told by their medical professionals that their condition will resolve on its own. In some cases, it does, but in many instances, it doesn’t. There is an […]

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