Orthotic Inserts for Kids with Flat Feet – Align Your Kids’ Feet and Improve Their Posture!

Has your child been diagnosed with flat feet and complains about foot or leg pain? There are certain types of orthotic inserts for kids with flat feet that are effective in realigning the child’s feet and improving the child’s walking gait and overall posture. The correct types of orthotics can also significantly help reduce or fully eliminate your child’s foot pain.

When children have flat feet, their feet collapse and turn inwards. This leads to their foot posture being thrown out of alignment and children need to recruit more muscles for each movement, which leads to an increase in muscle fatigue, tightness, and strain.

My Take on Orthotics and Children with Flat Feet

Over the years I have become familiar with the best shoes and orthotics for kids with flat feet. While I am not a medical professional, I have seen firsthand the positive impact that the correct type of orthotics can have on a child’s life. It is amazing how something so simple such as fitting a child in the correct type of orthotics can improve the child’s walking gait, balance, and overall posture.

Be Careful About Taking the “Wait and See Approach” – Be Proactive!

If your child has been diagnosed with flat feet, I recommend taking action immediately. Most children who have flat feet tend to overpronate, which can lead to several other foot and leg issues, as well as back pain.

Let’s take a look at a picture of a flat-footed child standing barefoot. Notice how the child’s feet are collapsing and turning inwards. Does this image look familiar?

The correct type of orthotic inserts will help align your kids’ feet, preventing them from collapsing and helping your child walk and run straighter. Let me prove it to you!

What a Difference The Correct Types of Orthotic Inserts Can Make!

Let’s take a look at a picture of a flat-footed child standing barefoot.


Do you notice how the feet are collapsing and turning inwards?

Now let’s take a look at a picture of the same child standing in a pair of the orthotic inserts that I recommend.


Do you notice how the child’s feet are a lot straighter? The orthotics are preventing the child’s feet from collapsing and straightening the child’s feet and legs, which might lead to an improvement in the child’s walking gait and overall posture.

Let’s take a look at another example of a different flat footed child standing barefoot and then standing on a pair of the orthotics that I recommend.


In the image below the child’s feet are collapsing and turning inwards.

Now let’s take a look at a picture of the same child standing in a pair of the orthotic inserts that I recommend.


Do you notice how the child’s feet are a lot straighter? The orthotics are helping improve the child’s foot posture by preventing the child’s feet from collapsing.


What Makes the Orthotics that I Recommend Effective for Kids with Flat Feet?

1️⃣ Deep Heel Cups: When a child has flat feet you don’t only support the arch, you mechanically support the pieces of the foot that causes the foot to be flat, such as the heels. The orthotics that I recommend provide deep heel cups with targeted support right below the heels. Take a look at the images below for better visualization purposes:

2️⃣ Built-In Arch: The orthotics that I recommend can also help align your child’s feet and prevent foot imbalances that might lead to your child putting extra tension along the plantar fascia. Take a look at the images below for better visualization purposes:

The orthotics that I recommend have proven to be the most effective ones in reducing and completely eliminating kids’ foot and leg pain due to flat feet.

Please note that I recommend two specific orthotics for children with flat feet, and the one that will work best depends on the degree of your child’s foot condition and pronation. The first orthotic that I recommend is for mild cases of pronation, while the second orthotic I recommend is for moderate to strong cases of pronation.

Best Orthotic Inserts for Kids with Flat Feet: Mild Cases of Flat Feet

This orthotic/insole works best for children who don’t have any foot or leg pain and their feet turn inward slightly instead of pointing straight ahead.

The main reason why I recommend this orthotic is that it provides good arch and heel support, and at the same time is not as invasive as other orthotics. This means that this orthotic allows the child’s foot and leg muscles to develop on their own while supporting them.

Do You Need to Remove the Original Insoles of the Shoes?

Yes, you will have to remove the original insoles of your child’s shoes before placing this orthotic inside the shoes. If you fit the orthotic on top of the original shoe insoles, then you will be raising your kids’ feet, giving them the impression that their feet are coming out of the shoes.

Best Orthotic Inserts for Kids with Flat Feet : Moderate or Strong Cases of Flat Feet

This orthotic works best for children with clear signs of poor walking habits. In cases of moderate or strong pronation the child’s feet turn inwards considerably and the child might complain about foot or leg pain.

You Must Enter a Referral Code to Order this Orthotic

To place an order for littleSTEPS® Orthotics, you must submit a Referral Code during the ordering process. Enter the referral code JVFCS100121 in the Discount Window and you will get 10% off your order.

Do You Need to Remove the Original Insoles of the Shoes?

You won’t have to remove the original insoles of your kids’ shoes when fitting this orthotic inside your kids’ shoes.

For your child to get the full benefits that these orthotics have to offer, you must fit them inside the correct pair of shoes. If you fit these orthotics in a pair of shoes that are too flimsy or too soft, your child won’t get any of the benefits that the orthotics have to offer.

The Importance of Providing Your Child with the Correct Types of Shoes!

Your kids’ shoes also play a key role in helping straighten your kids’ feet and legs, as if you fit a pair of orthotic inserts in a pair of shoes that are not supportive, the shoes won’t hold the orthotic in place and your child won’t get the full benefits that the orthotics have to offer.

Before Image


After Image

Now let’s take a look at a picture of the same child wearing a pair of supportive shoes with orthotics. Do you notice how straighter the feet are? Wow! What a difference the correct types of shoes can make!


The Best Kids’ Shoes for Orthotics 

For the orthotic inserts to fit properly inside your kids’ shoes, the shoes must be supportive, deep, and come with a round toe-box and a removable insole.

Below is a selection of the best shoes that I have fitted before with orthotic inserts. All of these shoe styles are available in different widths such as medium (M), wide (W), and extra wide (XW), so please choose the shoe width accordingly and consider that orthotics that extra space inside the shoes. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. This allows us to create free content and resources for many families around the world. 

Are Shoes with Laces More Supportive than Shoes with Velcro Closure?

I always recommend shoelaces over velcro closure for children who need to wear orthotics inside their shoes. Shoelaces provide better support and stability, and help keep the orthotic in place better than shoes with velcro closure. Shoelaces also lock and support your kids’ heels.

There is actually a shoe tying method I use to tie shoes for children who wear orthotics.

How to Order the Correct Shoe Size Online?

If you are unsure of your child’s foot shape and length, I suggest that you read the article with the guidance on how to measure your kid’s foot. In this article, I help parents determine their child’s exact foot length and whether the child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your child has a high instep or not.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me via email if you are having trouble finding a particular shoe for your child with flat feet. I have fitted dress shoes, sandals, and winter boots for children with flat feet so I will be able to show you the most supportive styles: 

How to Figure Out if Your is Child Flat-Footed? – Find Out in 2 Steps!

I have helped hundreds of children with flat feet find the correct pair of shoes and orthotic inserts, so it’s easy for me to tell whether a child is flat-footed or not. There are two simple methods you can use to figure out whether your child is flat-footed or not.

1️⃣ First Method – Take a Closer Look at Your Kids’ Feet from the Side

Let me show you a couple of images that will help you visualize whether your child is flat-footed or not.

Have your child stand up straight barefoot on a flat surface. Do you notice how the child’s feet are turning inwards since there is no arch preventing the feet from collapsing?

2️⃣ Second Method – Take a Look at Your Child’s Current Shoes

The other simple way to tell if your child is flat-footed or not is to check the shoes that your child has been wearing for at least the last 2 months.

Take a look at your child’s shoes from the back, do you notice any sign of the shoes collapsing or turning inwards? Let me show you the difference between a shoe that a child has been wearing and overpronating versus a new shoe.

In the image on the left, we can see how the shoe is tilting inwards, which means that the child has been overpronating and putting too much pressure on that area of the shoe.


Have you found another orthotic that has worked well for your flat-footed child? Please share your findings below so other parents can benefit from your experiences.