Fitting Children's Shoes

Supportive Shoes for Children with Clubfoot – Maintain the Corrected Foot Position

Has your child been diagnosed with clubfoot and your medical professional recommends wearing supportive shoes to help improve your child’s foot posture and walking gait? In addition to finding supportive shoes, families of children with clubfoot have the challenge of finding shoes that can fit their children’s specific foot shape (which usually tends to be […]

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Shoes for Babies with Clubfoot – Find the Most Appropriate Shoes

Does your baby have clubfoot and are you having a hard time getting acquainted with this condition and finding the correct shoes? Although I am not a medical professional, please rest assured that I will share all of my knowledge and research on clubfoot and I will also provide you with you a selection of […]

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Sandals for Kids with Clubfoot – Let’s Support Your Child’s Feet and Improve Balance

If your child already went through the bracing stage —which is crucially important to your child’s long-term mobility— then it’s highly likely that your child will grow up to have normally functioning feet. That being said, the best way to prevent your child’s feet from turning inward again and needing further medical intervention is to […]

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Shoes for Kids with Clubfoot – Give These Life Changing Shoes a Try!

Clubfoot (also called talipes) refers to a condition where a child’s foot or both feet are rotated out of position, pointing down and inward. The cause of clubfoot remains unknown, but it is believed to be hereditary. Children born with clubfoot may struggle with balance issues, weak ankles, stiff heels, as well as general foot […]

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