Shoes for Kids with Skewfoot – Improve Foot Posture and Stability

Has your child been diagnosed with skewfoot (also known as serpentine foot) and your medical professional advised you to get supportive shoes to help improve your child’s foot posture and stability? This is a very complex condition, but my goal is to explain it in a simple way. Skewfoot is a condition where the foot appears to have a C-shaped curve; imagine the foot shape somewhat resembling a banana. Supportive shoes specifically designed for this condition can help improve your child’s foot posture, stability, and reduce discomfort during activities.

Most parents are told by their medical professionals to watch for signs such as “collapsed arches” “moderate degrees of pronation” and “turning in of the toes.” It’s important to keep a close eye on your child’s feet to be able to be proactive. Did you know that something so simple such as providing your child with the correct types of shoes can make a world of difference?

My Experience Fitting Children’s Shoes – Over a Decade of Experience

I am not a medical professional, but I can provide expert advice when it comes to children’s footwear. I have been working for a specialized children’s shoe store for over a decade, and we specialize in fitting footwear for children with “complex” foot shapes and conditions. We also specialize in fitting orthotics.


I’ve spoken to several families who’ve seen significant improvements in their kids’ comfort and mobility after switching to the right shoes. The correct types of shoes can impact everything from a child’s posture to their willingness to engage in play and sports.

What Causes Skewfoot? – Is It a Common Condition?

After doing extensive research, I found out that skewfoot refers to a common condition, and most medical professionals believe the positioning of the feet in the womb is what causes it. It’s essential for the doctor to assess the specific cause in each child to determine the appropriate course of action.

How Can This Condition Affect Your Child’s Daily Life?

This condition can influence everything from your child’s balance and coordination to their participation in sports and playtime.

Skewfoot can lead to an uneven distribution of weight across the foot, which affects gait and posture, and might even lead to foot or leg pain. This uneven distribution of weight can cause discomfort, potentially discouraging active play.

There is also a psychological aspect to this condition. Children with noticeable physical differences might refuse to engage socially and physically with others.

How Can Skewfoot Be Corrected?

For mild to moderate cases of skewfoot, supportive shoes and orthotics might be all your child needs. For strong cases of skewfoot, surgery might be needed.

What Makes the Shoes I Recommend Ideal for Skewfoot?

As far as shoes are concerned, we need to look for the following features:

1️⃣ Straight Lasts: You need to stay away from shoes that have an excessively curved last as this can exaggerate the deformity. Shoes with straight lasts can help improve foot posture:


2️⃣ Sturdy heel counter to stabilize the heel and also improve foot posture:


2️⃣ Supportive outsoles to help distribute pressure evenly across the foot:

3️⃣ Flexible soles at the toe area allow for natural movement:


By the way, a comfortable fit prevents additional constraints on the foot structure. Before you order your kids’ shoes online, you must make sure that you know your child’s exact foot length and shape (narrow, medium, wide, extra wide). I can help you determine this in two simple steps.

Shoes for Skewfoot – Effective for Mild to Moderate Cases

How effective the shoes below will be in helping straighten your child’s forefoot and improve your child’s walking gait and overall posture directly depends on how severe the degree of your child’s skewfoot is. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. 

Does Your Child Need Wide Shoes?

This depends on your child’s foot shape. In my experience, most children who are diagnosed with skewfoot have wide feet. If your child happens to have wide feet just make sure that you select the shoes in wide widths, as most of my recommendations above are available in wide and extra wide widths.

Do You Need Orthopedic Shoes to Treat Skewfoot?

Not necessarily. There are two or three of my recommendations that are orthopedic shoes, but most of the shoes I recommended are your regular everyday sneakers that simply provide better support and stability.

The Importance of Being Proactive! – Take Early Action!

Most children get diagnosed with skewfoot when they reach the age between 4 and 6 years old. This condition is difficult to diagnose in young children because the bones are still growing and the exact shape of the foot has not yet been determined until the child is around six years old. 

When addressed early, suitable interventions, such as the use of supportive footwear, might not only improve the physical symptoms but also help prevent secondary concerns related to social or psychological effects. 

Get in Touch for a Personalized Suggestion

Without a doubt, children’s shoe needs can vary depending on their age, activity level, and specific foot shape (wide, extra wide, high instep) they might have. I am happy to recommend different shoes for your child so don’t hesitate to contact me via email or through the comments section below.

Should You Provide Your Child with a Pair of Orthotics As Well?

if the child reaches the age of four and begins to exhibit severe signs of pain and trouble walking, your doctor may recommend orthotics. The correct types of orthotics paired up with supportive shoes can realign the foot, resulting in favorable long-term outcomes.

With that said, the correct types of shoes and orthotics might not always fix the deformity. Please note that I am an expert when it comes to children’s footwear, but there are other conservative treatments that can be extremely helpful to help treat this condition. Exercises for stretching and physical therapy can be extremely helpful, and surgery should always be left as a last resort.

In my opinion, skewfoot is a complex deformity and no one procedure can address the spectrum of deformities nor can one procedure be applied to all age groups. With that said, something so simple such as providing your child with the correct types of shoes can do wonders for your child’s mobility and self-confidence.

I’ve been loving the feedback from parents who’ve navigated this journey before. They’ve shared invaluable tips such as monitoring the child’s comfort and gait while wearing the new shoes. Let me know in the comments section below if you have any questions or tips you would like to share.


“Skewfoot – Orthopedics and Spine Specialists.” ​Surestep​, 2024,