Best Adidas Shoes for Toddlers Learning How to Walk

Are you unsure whether Adidas manufactures the appropriate types of shoes for a baby or toddler who is learning how to walk? Do you own a pair of Adidas Superstar shoes and look forward to matching outfits with your child? The right pair of first walking shoes is invaluable during this crucial developmental stage. Adidas manufactures several toddler shoes, but there is only one style that is suitable for toddlers learning how to walk: the Adidas Toddler Superstar. This specific style boasts features specifically tailored for first walkers, such as flexible and malleable outsoles, soft upper materials, and secure closures.

Be Aware: Don’t Confuse These Two Adidas Shoe Styles

Many families cannot tell the difference between a shoe for a toddler who is learning how to walk and a toddler who is already walking. You must pay close attention as among the Adidas shoe brand, most shoes are designed for a child who is already walking confidently.

For example, let me show you the difference between two Adidas shoes which are the same model (Superstar) and look very similar but serve very different purposes.

The first image shows the style that is most appropriate for a toddler who is already walking, as it has a sturdy and rigid stable base of support, and it doesn’t provide the correct amount of flexibility. The shoe also tends to be on the heavier side:

This shoe also doesn’t flex at the toes.

The second image shows the Adidas shoe style that I recommend. The shoe is lightweight, flexible, and malleable, which allows the baby’s or toddler’s feet to move naturally and helps promote healthy foot development. This allows for muscles to build strength and for toes to grip the floor, which is important for balance and coordination:

This shoe is malleable and easy to flex.

Another important factor here is balance. It’s pivotal for babies and toddlers to feel the floor beneath them to adjust their stance as they navigate those first steps. Shoes with overly thick or inflexible soles interfere with this sensory feedback. I advocate for shoes with just enough thickness to protect the foot while allowing for this crucial sensory input. And here comes another difference between two Adidas shoes that look very similar:

The Adidas shoe on the right has an outsole with enough thickness to protect your toddler’s feet.

I will provide you with a link to this specific shoe style shortly. First, I want to dig a little deeper into the specific features the shoe provides.

What Makes the Adidas Superstar Shoe the Best Choice for Toddlers Learning How to Walk?

Flexibility is key in a baby’s or toddler’s shoe to mimic barefoot walking, which I already mentioned is essential for healthy foot development. The Adidas shoe that I recommend offers a pliable outsole that lets the feet and toes move naturally. Shoes for toddlers learning to walk should not immobilize their feet. Rather, they need to provide protection and slight support, while still allowing the feet to move naturally.

Beyond its practicality, this shoe ensures that your child hits the playground or the living room carpet both comfortably and fashionably. 

Can This Adidas Shoe Fit Babies and Toddlers with Wide Feet?

Yes, the shoe provides a rounded toe-box to accommodate those toddlers with wide feet. However, if your baby or toddler has extra wide feet then we might have to look for a different shoe.

In my experience, most babies and toddlers tend to have puffy feet (wide or extra wide), so please find out your child’s exact foot shape before buying shoes for your toddler.

Best Adidas Shoes for Toddlers Learning How to Walk

Below you can find the only Adidas shoe style that I found to be appropriate for a baby or toddler who is learning how to walk. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

Are You Unsure About What Shoe Size Your Child Needs?

I am a shoe fitter with over a decade of experience, and I am of the opinion that even the best shoe in design and development falls short if it doesn’t fit right. Shoes that are too tight restrict natural foot movement, while too loose ones can lead to trips and falls. You should take advantage of a free service I provide in which I help families from all over the world determine their child’s exact shoe size (length and foot shape).

Most parents are tempted to buy their children’s shoes overly large, thinking their toddlers will grow into them. This can be a mistake. Oversized shoes make it harder for toddlers to sense the ground and develop motor skills. 

Exploring Alternatives: Other Top Shoe Brands for Toddler First-Steppers

Adidas doesn’t specialize in manufacturing shoes for babies or toddlers learning how to walk, so it is no surprise that they only have one shoe tailored to a toddler who is learning how to walk. There are several reputable brands out there that also cater to the unique needs of toddlers learning to walk.

My go-to shoe brands for babies and toddlers learning how to walk are Stride Rite, See Kai Run, and Pediped, which are all recognized by the American Podiatric Medical Association. These shoe brands create shoes that encourage natural foot movement and development, which is vital for toddlers learning how to walk. You can find a list of the best shoe styles from these specific shoe brands in a different article I created called the best shoes for toddlers learning how to walk.

Do You Like to Match Shoes with Your Child?

A lot of parents like to match outfits with their kids, as that makes memorable family photos and special occasions. I created a different resource that describes the top 5 kids and parents matching shoes.

At the shoe store where I work, I have fitted hundreds of babies and toddlers for their first pair of walking shoes. I have tested several different shoe brands and styles, and when it comes to picking out the right pair of shoes for your first walker, I take into account more than just the brand or appearance. I focus on the unique characteristics of the toddler’s feet, giving priority to the fit and comfort that will best support their walking journey.

Wearing the right shoes can boost a toddler’s confidence as they walk. They’re more likely to explore and engage with their environment if they feel sure-footed. Missteps and falls are part of the learning process, but a good pair of shoes can reduce those, making the experience less daunting and more enjoyable for both the toddler and the parent.

Adidas Shoes for Toddlers Learning How to Walk – Watch Video!

This video will help you better visualize all of the features that the Adidas shoe I recommend provides.

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