Fitting Children's Shoes

Which Heel Cups Work Best for Kids’ Soccer Cleats? – Easy to Fit and Affordable!

Has your child been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis or Severs Disease and you were advised to fit a pair of heel cups inside your child’s cleats? When talking about heel support, heel cups come to the forefront as the most affordable and effective prevention treatment. The correct types of heel cups provide extra cushioning and […]

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Sever’s Disease in Kids – STOP Your Kids’ Heel Pain!

Have you noticed your child walking and running differently? Has your child been complaining about heel pain? If your child has been experiencing heel pain, then it’s very likely that your child is dealing with a condition called Sever’s disease. While the name might sound a little scary, Sever’s disease is more common than you think […]

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Best Shoes for Kids with Narrow Feet and Sever’s Disease – Let’s Support Your Kids’ Heels!

Do you have a child with narrow feet who is experiencing heel pain? Has your physical or occupational therapist diagnosed your child with sever’s disease or calcaneal apophysitis? Heel pain in children is very common due to the very nature of their growing feet. Too much stress on the growth plate is the most common reason […]

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Best Shoes with Heel Support – Straighten and Protect Your Kids’ Heels!

Has your child been complaining about heel pain? Have you noticed your child walking and running differently? As soon as you notice your children walking differently, you must start by checking the shoes that they are  wearing. I am going to show you a list of the best shoes with heel support based on my […]

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Best Shoes for Kids Who Wear Heel Cups – Supportive and Extra Deep!

Has your child been experiencing heel pain and your doctor recommended getting a pair of heel cups? Maybe you already got a pair of heel cups and now you are looking for a pair of supportive shoes. It’s important to note that heel cups can work wonders for children with heel pain as long as […]

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How to Fit Heel Cups – The Most Effective Way to Fit Heel Cups Inside Your Kids’ Shoes!

Has your child been complaining about heel pain? Have you taken your child to your physical or occupational therapist and has been diagnosed with Sever’s disease or plantar fasciitis? After you have identified which heel cup is best for your child’s feet, the next step is to make sure they fit perfectly inside your kids’ […]

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How to Stop Heel Pain for Kids Who Play Basketball – These Shoes Can Help Eliminate the Pain!

Children who are involved in sports are more prone to developing heel pain, as they are imposing an enormous amount of stress on their feet. I have noticed how children who play basketball are usually more susceptible to experiencing heel pain, as they are constantly jumping and running back and forth on the hard resilient court […]

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Heel Cups for Kids – How to Stop Heel Pain

Has your child been complaining about heel pain and been diagnosed with Sever’s disease or plantar fasciitis? These are two of the most frequent causes of heel pain in children. If your medical professional recommends a pair of supportive shoes and heel cups but didn’t specify which models to get, then you came to the right place. I want to […]

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The Best Heel Cups for Kids with Plantar Fasciitis

Has your child been complaining about heel pain or have they been recently diagnosed with plantar fasciitis? Insertable heel cups may be just what your child needs to support their heels, relieve some of this heel pain, and prevent further pain from developing. In this article, I will discuss the #1 podiatrist-recommended insertable heel cups […]

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