How to Stop Itchy Feet – STOP Your Kids Fungal Problem!

Have your children been complaining about itchy feet? Do you feel like their shoes and socks are always damp when you take them off? Let’s make sure that your child is wearing breathable shoes and socks made from breathable and soft materials. Your child might be dealing with the two most common fungal problems: athlete’s foot and/or fungal nails. I am going to show you how to stop itchy feet based on my many years of shoe fitting experience.

Why is choosing the correct type of shoes so important when it comes to keeping your kids’ feet healthy? Fungal problems in children are often a result of the socks and shoes that they wear. A fungal infection left untreated can develop into a much more serious problem such as a bacterial infection, which may require antibiotics to treat.

If you provide your child with shoes made from low-quality materials such as plastic, you allow fungus to breed by trapping heat and moisture around your kids’ feet. I will be able to show you a selection of the best shoes and socks to stop itchy feet in kids and prevent fungal infections.

Why Do Kids Get Fungal Infections?

First of all, if your child has a fungal infection, don’t panic! Many children get fungal infections because these infections are easily contagious and children love to share everything when they hang out, even fungi!

In some cases, parents are to blame because they didn’t do enough research before purchasing their kids’ shoes and socks. They end up providing their kids with shoes that are not breathable or are made of poor-quality materials.

This leads to several foot problems, and something as simple as providing your child with the correct pair of shoes and socks will keep their feet and legs healthy. Let’s take a look at the most common fungal problems kids experience.

What Are the Most Common Fungal Problems in Kids?

The two most common fungal problems are:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Fungal Nails

Athlete’s foot is a chronic infection caused by various types of fungus. It often spreads in places where your child may walk barefoot like public showers or swimming pools. The symptoms of this condition can range from itching to painful inflammation and even blisters. You will first notice the infection starting between your kid’s toes and then spreading to the bottom and sides of the feet.

The second most common fungal problem are fungal nails which are normally caused by the spread of fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, but can also be caused by injury to the nail. Providing your child with hand-me-down shoes puts them at risk of developing this condition, since shoes that have been previously worn are the perfect breeding ground for fungus.

Please remember that your child can easily get toenail fungus from wearing used shoes. If you must provide your kids with hand-me-down shoes, please sanitize the shoes before allowing your child to wear them.

How Can You Tell If Your Child Has Developed Foot Conditions?

1️⃣ The first step is to check if your child has had any breaks in the skin. Be aware of odor, as it can be a sign of bacteria.

2️⃣ The second step is to be attentive to whether your child has been scratching their feet a lot.

3️⃣ The third step is to check for any cracked skin, especially between the toes.

How Are Fungal Problems Treated? – Follow These Steps!

Your kids’ daily habits play a key role in helping to combat this condition. Below is a list of the most important steps you can take to prevent fungal problems:

1️⃣ Make sure your child is wearing shoes made of breathable quality materials (leather or canvas). Make sure the socks are also breathable and if your child sweats excessively, alternate the shoes, so they have at least a day to dry out.

2️⃣ Make sure your child is drying their feet thoroughly after they bathe or shower. They should be drying between their toes properly or using foot powders to help absorb moisture.

3️⃣ Make sure that your children are changing their socks often.

4️⃣ Make sure your children are not walking barefoot around showers or swimming pools, and that they are always wearing sandals when they are in public areas.

It is important to choose the correct type of shoes for your child to prevent your child from developing a fungal conditionEven if your child has already developed a fungal condition, a good quality pair of sneakers helps prevent the condition from reoccurring.

Have you ever heard of the shoe brand named Tsukihoshi? This shoe company makes some of the most breathable shoes that also come with anti-bacterial insoles and they are also machine washable.

I only review shoes that I have fitted before, as that is the only way for me to tell how well-made the shoes are, the amount of support that they provide, and how they fit. 

Below you can find a selection of the best kids’ shoes that are breathable and machine washable. These shoes can fit children with medium or wide feet. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

The Most Breathable Sneakers for Kids

Unsure About What Shoe Size You Should Order?

In each of the descriptions of the shoes, I indicate whether you need to order a half size or a whole size bigger than your child’s current foot size to provide the correct amount of growing room.

How to Retrieve Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

If you want to be sure about what shoe size to order online, I suggest that you follow the instructions on how to determine your kids’ shoe size.

The Best Socks for Itchy Feet – Seamless and Breathable

Remember that socks also play a key role in keeping your kids’ feet healthy. They act as a barrier between your kids’ feet and the shoes, preventing the buildup of bacteria and the formation of blisters.

If you have a child that refuses to wear socks with his/her shoes, you need to try pair of seamless socks. Those types of socks are great for children who feel every bump and lump.

The socks I describe below are all made with high-tech fibers that wick moisture away from the skin. This will help keep your kids’ feet drier and prevent stinky feet. In addition to being breathable, the socks below are completely free of seams. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. 

Below you can find a selection of the best wicking away moisture socks for children:

Stop Your Kids Fungal Problems! – Learn the Secret

Depending on the type of infection your child has, medication may be required to treat their fungal infection. Successful treatment normally involves a combination of medication and self-care.

As long as your child’s condition is not serious, over-the-counter and prescription powders help treat the itching and in certain cases the inflammation as well. Keep in mind that you should be doing all of this in addition to providing your child with the correct type of shoes and socks.

If your child has a foot condition, start by checking to see if they are wearing the correct footwear and follow these steps:

  • Wash your kids’ footwear with detergent —the shoelaces and the inner sole must be washed separately.
  • Allow your kids’ sneakers to dry naturally.

Now that you know how to stop itchy feet you can keep your kids’ feet healthy.

Before taking your child to the podiatrist —keep in mind that fungal problems can be related to other medical problems— you must make sure that your child is wearing the correct type of shoes and socks. You will end up saving time and money by investing in a good pair of everyday shoes.

The podiatrist will want to know any problems your children may have had in the past, any medications they are taking, the type of sports and activities they engage in, and the type of shoes that they usually wear.

If your child’s foot condition doesn’t improve, take your child to the podiatrist and stronger medication may be prescribed. Please remember that providing your child with the correct pair of shoes and socks will minimize the risk of your child developing foot issues.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me directly at my email if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes for your child. My email address is: [email protected]

Has your child been struggling with itchy feet? Have they developed a foot condition such as athlete’s foot or fungal nails? Have you found a particular shoe style that has worked well for your child’s feet? Please share your thoughts and experiences below so other parents can learn and benefit from them.