How to Treat and Prevent Your Child’s Overpronation – The Best Shoes for Overpronation!

Have you noticed your child walking and running differently lately? Do you have a child with overpronation who has been experiencing foot and leg pain? All children have a certain degree of pronation, but when it’s excessive, several complications arise. I am going to show you how to treat and prevent your child’s overpronation by fitting your child in the correct pair of shoes.

Most children who experience overpronation are flat-footed or have rolled ankles, which tends to throw their whole body out of alignment. This leads to poor posture habits and can lead to your child having foot, knee, and lower back pain.Can Shoes Help Treat Your Child’s Overpronation?

If your child has been diagnosed with overpronation, you need to find the correct pair of shoes as they will help prevent your child’s feet from collapsing and help straighten and strengthen your child’s feet. The issue is that it can be overwhelming for parents to stare at a wall of shoes that somehow all seem identical and very different at the same time.

There might be certain cases in which the shoes are not able to prevent foot and leg pain and correct the child’s posture, and that’s when you should consider trying pair of orthotics inside your kids’ shoes. However, I always recommend trying a pair of supportive shoes first.

Images of Children with Flat Feet and Overpronation

Do you have a flat-footed child at home? Let’s take a look at a picture of how the feet of a flat-footed child look like. Does this picture look familiar?

Overpronation usually happens from having flat feet, but it can also happen from having rolled ankles. Notice how the child’s ankles are also rolling inwards.


Shoes for Overpronation – What a Difference the Correct Pair of Shoes Can Make!

The most effective way to prevent your child’s feet from collapsing is by wearing the correct type of shoes and orthotics. This has proven to be the most effective way.

Before Image: Child with Overpronation Standing Barefoot

Let’s take a look at another image of a flat-footed child.


Now let’s take a look at an image of the same child wearing a pair of supportive shoes. Do you notice how the child’s feet are a lot straighter? The substantial outsole and firm heel counter of the shoes are preventing the child’s feet from collapsing.

After Image: Same Child with Overpronation Wearing Supportive Shoes


Now, if we fit that same child in a pair of shoes that don’t provide the correct amount of support, the child’s feet collapse.

After Image: Same Child with Overpronation Wearing Unsupportive Shoes


I have tested hundreds of different shoes and there is only a small selection of shoes that provide enough support for children with overpronation, but the good news is that I know exactly which styles work better than others from having fitted them before.

Let’s put it this way, the way that your children’s feet strike the ground has a significant effect on their bodies. Children with flat feet that overpronate are more prone to developing foot and leg pain as well as foot injuries than children with normal pronation.

Keep in mind that for your child to get the full benefits that the shoes have to offer, you need to provide your child with a pair of shoes that come with shoelaces instead of velcro closure.  Shoelaces will “hug” your kids’ feet better, providing your child with better support and stability.

The Complications of Overpronation – Foot, Leg, and Back Pain

The main problem with overpronation is how it can cause problems throughout your child’s entire body. When children are flat-footed or have rolled ankles, their feet are not properly absorbing the shock of their stride, instead, that sock is passing on to your child’s legs, knees, hips, and even their spine.

In addition to making your child more prone to developing foot and leg pain, overpronation puts children at an increased risk of developing specific injuries. This occurs because overpronation disrupts the body’s natural alignment and causes increased impact when your kids’ feet strike the ground.

The most common symptoms of overpronation are:

  • Flat feet.
  • Arch and Heel Pain.
  • Knee, Hip, or Lower Back Pain.
  • Hammer Toes.
  • Calluses and Corns.

Before I provide you with a selection of the best shoes for children with overpronation, I want to first show you the 3 most important features that the shoes I recommend provide and how you can figure out your child’s exact foot size from home.

Shoes for Overpronation – The 3 Most Important Features!

I have tested hundreds of different kids’ shoes, and from all of the shoes that I tested, there are probably only 3 or 4 shoe styles that are effective in treating and preventing overpronation. These are the 3 most important features that the kids’ shoes I recommend provide to help treat and prevent overpronation:

1️⃣ Substantial Outsoles: This feature helps prevent your child’s feet from collapsing and turning inwards. Shoes that come with a substantial sole also attenuate the impact that your kids’ feet and legs take every time they come in contact with the ground, this is also called shock absorption. Below you can see the difference between a shoe with a substantial sole versus a shoe with a sole that is too thin and doesn’t provide the correct amount of support:


2️⃣ Firm Heel Counters: This is the back part of the shoe that provides ankle and heel support. This feature helps attenuate the impact that your kids’ heels take when they come in contact with the ground, and also helps straighten and strengthen your kids’ ankles.


3️⃣ Extra Depth: This is a very important feature that most kids’ shoe styles fail to provide. Shoes that come with extra depth provide a better overall fit. In addition, the extra depth will allow you to fit an orthotic inside the shoes in case your child needs one for extra support. Let me show you the difference between a shoe that provides extra depth — the image on the right— versus one that doesn’t.

I only recommend shoes that I have fitted before since that is the only way for me to tell how well-made the shoes are, the amount of support that they provide, and how they fit. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. 

The Best Shoes for Kids with Overpronation

The selection of shoes that I describe below has proven to be the most effective one when it comes to helping treat and prevent children’s overpronation. The shoes below can fit the shape of a child with narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me directly at my e-mail if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes to help treat your child’s overpronation. My e-mail address is:

I am always emphasizing to parents that if they fail to provide their children with the correct shoe size, they won’t get any of the benefits that the shoes have to offer.

Most specialized children’s shoe stores have been closing down, so start by taking a look at a resource that I created where I describe the best-fitting children’s shoe stores by state.

How to Retrieve Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape?

If after looking at that resource you still can’t seem to find a good fitting children’s shoe store in your area, then proceed to take a look at an article I wrote where I describe the simplest, yet most effective way to figure out your child’s foot size from home.

In that article I help parents determine their child’s exact foot length and whether the child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your child has a high instep or not.

I want you to keep in mind that overpronation is very common and fully correctable. However, if left untreated it can lead to several problems.

Now that you know how to treat and prevent your child’s overpronation, you are ready to make the most informed decision.

I also always recommend parents help strengthen their kids’ feet by having their children perform toe curls and heel raises. Don’t forget to have your children stretch their feet and legs to reduce the extra muscle stress and tightness that overpronation causes.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are having trouble finding a particular shoe style for your child.