Fitting Children's Shoes

Best Shoes for Kids with Strong Pronation – Improve Foot Posture and Prevent Foot Pain

Supportive high-top shoe for children with strong pronation.

Has your medical professional diagnosed your child with severe flat feet? Has your child been complaining about foot or leg pain? Children with flat feet or other foot conditions can experience different levels of pronation, and depending on the degree of your child’s pronation, your child might need to wear supportive shoes and/or orthotics. Certain […]

Light Up Shoes for Kids with Flat Feet – Supportive and Flashy!

Child with flat feet wearing a pair of supportive light up shoes.

Do you have a child with flat feet who has been asking you for a pair of light up shoes? Have you been hesitant about providing your child with light up shoes and afraid that they might worsen your child’s foot condition? Children with flat feet tend to have poor posture habits, given that having […]

Best Kids’ Shoes in the UK for Flat Feet

Child with flat feet improves his foot posture by wearing a pair of supportive New Balance shoes with straight lasts.

I have been getting several requests from families in the United Kingdom to help them find the correct pair of shoes for their children with flat feet. Some of these children in addition to having flat feet also have “complicated” foot shapes (narrow, extra wide) that makes it even more challenging to find shoes that […]

The Best Shoes for Kids with Flat Feet – STOP Your Kids Foot Pain!

Before and after images of a child with flat feet wearing unsupportive shoes and then wearing a pair of supportive shoes.

Do you have a child with flat feet who complains about foot and leg pain? Did you know that certain shoes can improve your child’s foot posture and significantly reduce your child’s foot and leg pain? If you notice something wrong with your child’s walking gait or if your child is complaining about foot or […]

Find Out if Your Child has Flat Feet – Follow These 3 Simple Steps!

Child with flat feet and low muscle tone standing barefoot.

Have you noticed your child walking or running differently lately? Has your child been complaining about foot or leg pain? If you are unsure whether your child has flat feet or not and you don’t have access to your medical professional, I will help you figure out whether your child has flat feet or not. I […]