Best Extra Wide New Balance Shoes for Boys

Does your son have extra wide feet and a family member or friend recommended that you get a pair of New Balance shoes? New Balance manufactures some of the widest shoes for children, but not all models fit the same way. The best extra wide New Balance shoes for boys provide extra depth and rounded toe-boxes with oversized openings, in addition to being labeled as extra wide. Before you order a pair of New Balance shoes in extra wide widths (X-Wide,) you should know that some models are a lot wider than others, and those are the styles I will show you shortly.

Prevent Your Child From Developing Blisters and Other Foot Issues

Did you know that children with extra wide feet are more prone to developing foot issues such as blisters, calluses, corns, as well as ingrown toenails? The best way to prevent your child’s feet from developing foot issues is by making sure that your child wears shoes that properly fit lengthwise and widthwise. 

Keep in mind that some children have high insteps in addition to having extra wide feet, which can make it a lot harder to find shoes that fit.

Does Your Son Have a High Instep?

The instep is the top part of the foot, and it’s the total amount of foot volume that needs to be fitted inside the shoes. For example, do you often have a hard time getting the velcro straps across the shoe? Do you usually notice indentations or red marks on the top part of your child’s feet? These are both signs that your child might have a high instep. Take a look at the image below to better visualize where the instep of the foot is located:

This is the reason why it’s so important to not only look for shoes that are available in extra wide widths but also for shoes that provide extra depth.

Key Features of New Balance Shoes for Extra Wide Feet

New Balance has a large selection of shoes available in extra wide widths (XW), but what makes New Balance shoes ideal for children with extra wide feet is that the shoes provide extra depth and rounder toe-boxes.

1️⃣ Extra Depth: Shoes that provide extra depth allow the child’s feet to sit deeply inside the shoes, preventing the top part of their feet (instep) from rubbing against the top part of the shoes. This feature also helps prevent the top part of your child’s toes from rubbing against the front top part of the shoes.

Both of these shoes are the same length and width, but do you notice how the shoe on the right (New Balance) is a lot deeper compared to the shoe on the left (Asics)?

2️⃣ Rounded Toe-Boxes: Shoes that provide rounder toe-boxes help prevent the child’s toes from overlapping one another or rubbing against the side of the shoes. This is a really important feature for children with extra wide feet as it allows extra space for the toes and helps prevent blisters as well as ingrown toenails.

These shoes are also the same length and width (XW), but do you notice how the shoe on the right (New Balance) has a rounder toe-box compared to the shoe on the left (Nike)?

3️⃣ Oversized Openings for Easy On & Off: This feature allows parents and children to easily slide their feet inside the shoes.

Are All New Balance Shoes in Extra Wide Width the Same?

No, there are some New Balance shoe styles in the same length and width that are a lot wider than others. Simply choosing a New Balance shoe that is labeled as extra wide (XW) and hoping that it will fit your child’s extra wide feet is not enough. You also need to make sure that the shoes provide extra depth, rounded toe-boxes and oversized openings for easy on and off.

Do you Know Your Child’s Exact Shoe Size?

If you don’t have a good local fitting shoe store in your area and you usually order your kids’ shoes online, you must know your child’s exact foot length and shape or you will end up returning the shoes back and forth. I created a virtual shoe fitting service that will help you retrieve your child’s shoe size from home.

Now that you know your child’s exact foot length, width, and instep height, let’s take a look at the best extra wide New Balance shoes for boys. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

Best Extra Wide New Balance Shoes for Boys

All of the shoes below are available in extra wide widths (XW) and provide extra depth and rounder toe-boxes.

These are the widest shoes made by New Balance. There are other shoe brands that manufacture shoes in extra wide widths such as Saucony, but their shoes are not as deep or wide.

Are There Any Other Extra Wide Shoe Choices Available?

Please reach out to my email if none of these shoes are available in your child’s foot size or if you are looking for a specific shoe color/style for your child: 

Additional Resources for Boys with Extra Wide Feet

I also created other resources that you might be interested in as they describe the best sandals, boots, and dress shoes for children with extra wide feet.

What Are Good Socks for Children with Extra Wide Feet?

I usually recommend seamless socks for children with extra wide feet as they allow for extra room along the toes. Some of the other features you will love about those socks are how they are breathable, durable, and comfortable.

Will My Child’s Feet Always Remain Extra Wide?

I have seen children who had extra wide feet in their toddler years and as they grew their feet narrower down. Other children’s feet remained extra wide in their teenage years, so it really depends on a case-to-case basis.

I hope you find this resource helpful! Please remember that fitting your child in shoes that are too narrow can lead to several foot issues including blisters, calluses, corns, and ingrown toenails.