Fitting Children's Shoes

Which Heel Cups Work Best for Kids’ Soccer Cleats? – Easy to Fit and Affordable!

Has your child been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis or Severs Disease and you were advised to fit a pair of heel cups inside your child’s cleats? When talking about heel support, heel cups come to the forefront as the most affordable and effective prevention treatment. The correct types of heel cups provide extra cushioning and […]

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Supportive Shoes for Teenage Boys with Heel Pain – Firm Heel Counters and Extra Cushion

Has your teenage boy been complaining about heel pain and you are having a hard time finding supportive shoes? Maybe you already took your child to your medical professional several times and were dismissed by “the pain will eventually go away”? Children who have foot conditions such as flat feet or high arches are more […]

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Best Shoes for Kids with Misaligned Heels – Improve Your Child’s Walking Gait and Prevent Foot Pain!

Has your child been complaining about foot pain and walking differently lately? Did you already take your child to your pediatrician, podiatrist, or physical therapist and were told that your child will eventually outgrow the pain? I am going to show you a list of the best shoes for kids with misaligned heels based on […]

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The Best Kids’ Shoes for Heel Pain – Shoes That Will Help Treat and Prevent Heel Pain!

Heel pain in children is more common than you think, but that doesn’t mean it should go untreated. Left untreated, heel pain can lead to difficulty in walking which might require complicated therapy. Did you know that certain shoes can help significantly reduce or fully eliminate your child’s heel pain? I am going to show […]

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Best Shoes for Toddlers with Weak Ankles — Firm Heel Counter and Extra Support Right Below the Heels!

When toddlers first start walking, it’s normal for them to walk with their feet apart and their arms stretched out to help them balance. However, if your toddler has already been walking for a while and you notice a strange walking gait that doesn’t improve, I suggest getting your toddler’s feet evaluated by your pediatrician […]

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The Best Shoes with Ankle Support – Support Your Kids’ Ankles!

Do you have a child that is experiencing ankle pain? Did you know that the correct pair of supportive shoes with a firm heel counter can significantly reduce or fully eliminate the pain? Ankle pain normally occurs due to the overuse and inflammation around the growth plate located in the heel bone. I am going […]

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How Can You Tell If Your Kids’ Shoes Provide Good Ankle Support? – Follow this Simple Step!

Are you looking for a pair of shoes that provides good ankle support for your child? Is your child experiencing heel pain and has been diagnosed with rolled ankles or overpronation? I am going to provide you with an answer to a question that many families ask at the shoe store where I work: How can you tell […]

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Best Shoes for Kids Who Wear Heel Cups – Supportive and Extra Deep!

Has your child been experiencing heel pain and your doctor recommended getting a pair of heel cups? Maybe you already got a pair of heel cups and now you are looking for a pair of supportive shoes. It’s important to note that heel cups can work wonders for children with heel pain as long as […]

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Best Orthotics for Kids with Heel Pain – Deep Heel Cups with Extra Heel Support

Do you have a child who has been complaining about heel pain and your medical professional recommends supportive shoes and orthotics? Is your child refusing to participate in sports or activities that he/she used to enjoy? I strongly suggest that you don’t take the “wait and see” approach when it comes to treating your child’s […]

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How to Fit Heel Cups – The Most Effective Way to Fit Heel Cups Inside Your Kids’ Shoes!

Has your child been complaining about heel pain? Have you taken your child to your physical or occupational therapist and has been diagnosed with Sever’s disease or plantar fasciitis? After you have identified which heel cup is best for your child’s feet, the next step is to make sure they fit perfectly inside your kids’ […]

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