The Best Shoes for Kids with Duck Feet – Let’s Improve your Child’s Walking Gait and Posture!

Have you noticed your child walking with his/her feet turned outwards? This condition is referred to as out-toeing and it’s also commonly known as duck feet. Out-toeing is believed to be hereditary, but for certain children, this condition develops from the compensation of an injury, lack of muscle strength, or poor posture. The best shoes for kids with duck feet provide firm heel counters, supportive outsoles, and straight lasts to help improve foot posture and walking gait.

What Is Duck Feet or Out-Toeing?

Having out-toeing simply means that your child walks with his/her feet turned out, causing the arch to collapse slightly. The further the feet turn out; the flatter your child’s feet become. The arch of the foot is designed to provide shock absorption when walking, running, and jumping.

Image of a child with flat feet standing barefoot.

Walking with the feet turned outwards can lead to short and long-term problems that involve:

  • An unbalanced gait.
  • Reduced athletic ability.
  • Foot deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, and flat feet.
  • General foot and leg pain.

Be Proactive and Don’t Take the “Wait and See Approach”

I have noticed how most medical professionals advise parents to not be alarmed or stressed out too much over this condition. However, even if your child is not complaining about foot or leg pain, I always recommend parents to be proactive and don’t take the “wait and see approach” when it comes to treating and preventing their children’s foot conditions.

I get contacted by families from all over the world who are told by their pediatricians that their child will eventually outgrow the condition, but these families are still concerned since their child’s walking gait is clearly abnormal. It can be hard for parents to watch their children struggle with their walking gait, but if you take the necessary steps you will be able to correct your child’s out-toeing and improve your child’s overall posture.

The most effective and less invasive way that I have found to treat and prevent out-toeing is by wearing the correct pair of shoes, and depending on the degree of your child’s out-toeing, orthotics as well. I always recommend starting by trying a pair of supportive shoes, and if the condition doesn’t improve, then the next step is to try a pair of orthotics.

Treating Your Child’s Out-Toeing – What a Difference the Shoes Make!

Let me show you what a tremendous difference the correct pair of shoes can make in treating and preventing your child’s out-toeing condition. Let’s first take a look at a picture of a barefoot child that is experiencing out-toeing.


Do you notice how the child’s feet are turning outwards? Sometimes I like to provide parents with the analogy that having out-toeing or duck feet is the same as having a car with a flat tire. When you have a flat tire it affects the rest of your car, you may feel uneven and more bumps in the road. Your kids’ feet are like the tires on your car. When the feet are out of alignment, it will affect all the joints above them, including the knees, hips, and lower back.

Now let’s take a look at another picture of the same child wearing a pair of supportive shoes. Do you notice how the child’s feet look a lot straighter? The shoes are straightening the child’s feet and prevent them from turning outwards.


In this particular case, the child just needed to wear a pair of supportive shoes. However, there will be certain cases where the correct pair of shoes won’t be enough to help treat or prevent this condition. In those cases, you might have to provide your child with a pair of orthotics as well.

Out-toeing is not as common as in-toeing, but I have seen and helped several children with out-toeing walk and run straighter.

What Makes the Shoes I Recommend Effective for Kids with Duck Feet?

I have noticed how the most effective shoes that help treat this condition provide a lot of support in the outsole and the heel counter as well.

There are certain shoes that I have found to be the most effective ones when it comes to treating this condition. The shoes I recommend provide a substantial and supportive outsole that helps prevent your child’s feet from rolling outwards. Below you can see the difference between a shoe with a substantial outsole versus a shoe with an outsole that is too thin and doesn’t provide the correct amount of support:


That shoes I recommend also provide a firm heel counter, which is the back part of the shoe that provides ankle and heel support:


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The Best Shoes for Kids with Duck Feet – Supportive Outsoles and Firm Heel Counters

Below you can find a selection of the best shoes for kids with duck feet that can fit children with medium, wide, or extra wide feet. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. 

Do you know your child’s exact foot size? To figure out your child’s correct shoe size, you will need to know your child’s exact foot size.

How to Retrieve Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

I created a virtual shoe fitting service that will help you retrieve your child’s shoe size from home. In that resource you will find out whether your child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also be able to determine whether your child has a high instep or not.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about your child’s feet or walking gait. If you are in doubt about whether your child might have out-toeing or not, feel free to send me pictures/videos of your child’s feet and I will be able to evaluate your child’s feet: 

You can also use the comments section below to ask any questions you might have.