The Cheapest Kids’ Shoes – What is the Price You Will Pay for Keeping Your Kids’ Feet Healthy?

Are you looking for a pair of affordable and supportive shoes for your child? Do you feel like your children always wear out their shoes before they are ready to outgrow them? I have put together a selection of the most affordable yet durable shoes for kids, and I will show you this list shortly.

Buying shoes for children who outgrow their shoes every 3 to 4 months can get expensive. Are you finding it hard to justify spending 40 dollars or more on a pair of shoes that your child might outgrow in less than 4 months?

Most Common Mistakes that I See Parents Make

Parents are always trying to economize when it comes to buying their children’s shoes, and it’s understandable since they have to replace them so often. However, one common mistake that I see parents make is to buy larger shoes for their kids hoping that they will wear them longer. By providing your child with shoes that are too large you will end up compromising your child’s stability and creating all sorts of foot problems which will end up costing you more money in the long run.

It is a fact that what may be considered “cheap” for one person may be “expensive” for another. In my opinion, a pair of cheap, yet high-quality shoes should cost around 40 dollars. To some parents, this might sound like more money than what they want to pay for their kids’ shoes, but remember, shoes still need to provide good support to your kids’ feet.

If you are spending less than 40 dollars on your kids’ shoes, that’s great, but make sure they are supportive and well-made. If the shoes are not supportive enough or they are not made from high-quality materials, it might lead to foot issues as well as foot and leg pain. If you think about it, if you are spending 40 dollars for each pair of shoes, and your child is outgrowing the shoes every 4 months, that means that you are spending a total of 120 dollars a year to keep your kids’ feet and legs healthy.

Before I show you a selection of the most affordable shoes for kids that are also well-made and supportive, I want to clarify a common misconception among parents:

➡️ Your kids’ shoes won’t last a whole year. In fact, it’s highly likely that your kids’ shoes won’t last more than six months. Most children outgrow their shoes between 4 to 5 months (depending on their age). The reason why I am telling you this is that I helped a family the other day who came to the store complaining that their kids’ shoes didn’t hold up as expected after being worn for an entire year.

Take a look at the picture of the shoes that the child was wearing when he came to the store.

Shoe Facts – How Long Do Your Kids’ Shoes Last?

We can’t blame the quality of the shoes in this particular case, since the child wore the shoes for so long that even the sturdiest shoes would have fallen apart. I was shocked that the family allowed this child to walk around with the shoes looking like that. Normally children outgrow their shoes before they wear them out, but if your kids’ shoes look like this, please replace them even if your child still has growing room left.

➡️ I have spoken to certain parents who have told me how their kids keep outgrowing their shoes every 2 months. I find that hard to believe, and that’s probably happening because they are not fitting their kids’ shoes properly —leaving the correct amount of growing room— to begin with. Even if you have a toddler at home, the shoes should last 3 1/2 to 4 months.

➡️ More expensive shoes don’t automatically translate into better shoes for your child. Buying cheaper shoes for your child doesn’t mean that you need to compromise on the quality or the support of the shoes.  I have fitted several kids’ shoe styles that are affordable and provide the same amount of support as some of the more expensive ones. Most importantly, they are available in different widths such as medium, wide, and extra wide.

I will provide you with a selection of the cheapest kids’ shoes that are made of high-quality materials and that also provide great support for your children to wear them as their everyday sneakers.

Places you Need to Avoid – Stop Buying Shoes at Target or Walmart!

I always advise parents to stop buying their kids’ shoes at superstores like Target or Walmart. Yes, you will see some of the cheapest kids’ shoe styles in there, but they will end up falling apart so much faster than expected. I have helped several children that wore shoes from those stores and some of them were literally made out of cardboard!

I have heard several stories from parents of how the tongue of the shoes fell out, or how the whole sole of the shoe came apart. There was one family that reported having found a small nail inside of the shoes:

I understand how tempting it is to spend 20 dollars or less on a pair of kids’ shoes, especially when they are outgrowing them so fast. But in reality, you are only creating foot problems for your child that will end up costing you so much more in the future.

I am not saying that you have to spend a fortune on your kids’ shoes, I know that trying to save money is a part of everyone’s life, regardless of income bracket. But if you can’t invest 40 dollars every 4 months into your kids’ feet and risk hurting foot development to “economize”, that becomes a false economy!

Without further ado, let’s take a look at a selection of the cheapest kids’ shoes. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases. 

The Cheapest Kids’ Shoes

I only write reviews of shoes that I have fitted before, otherwise, I wouldn’t know how well-made they are, the amount of support that they provide, and how they fit. These shoes can fit children who have narrow, medium, or wide feet.

The first two styles from the left made by Saucony are called the “Baby Ride 10”. I am providing you with the latest version of the shoes, but you might find the “Baby Ride 9” or the “Baby Ride 6” for a lower price.

The great thing about these shoes is not only how affordable they are, but also how supportive, lightweight, flexible, breathable, and durable they are.

Amazon offers the best prices by far when it comes to children’s shoes. You might even find some of the styles I describe below between the 25 to 35 dollar range.

How to Retrieve Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

If you are unsure of your child’s exact foot length and shape, you should take advantage of a free resource that I created.

Cheap but Durable Shoes for Kids – Learn About the Best Styles!

Many parents come to the shoe store telling me that they don’t care about how the shoe looks like, as long as they fit the shape of their kids’ feet perfectly and the shoes fall under a certain price range. I appreciate it when parents tell me this because it makes the whole shopping experience so much easier. I bring out the shoes in the price range that they are comfortable with, and I also select shoes that provide good support and structure for their kids’ feet.

One shoe company that makes great shoes for kids at affordable prices is Saucony. They make high-quality and supportive shoes for kids in different widths such as medium, wide, and extra wide. When a family asks me to find their child a pair of good quality, yet affordable shoes, I tend to fit that child in a pair of Saucony shoes. You might even recognize this brand from wearing their shoes yourself.

There is an article I wrote where I describe the best shoe brands for kids.

I always recommend that parents have their kids’ shoes fitted at a local children’s shoe store that they trust. Never shy away from telling the shoe fitter that you want your kids’ shoes to fall under a certain price range! The shoe fitter will actually appreciate this since you will make the whole process of finding shoes for your child much easier!

If you decide to buy cheaper shoes for your child, you will find yourself buying multiple pairs in a season. Remember that in the long run, you will end up saving a lot of money by investing in higher-quality shoes.

I usually get a parent that asks me how our feet survived before all the supportive, better-made shoes came around? I believe that the advances in medicine and technology have led us to live better, healthier lifestyles.

If you have ever experienced back or leg pain, your doctor will start by checking the shoes you are wearing. I have experienced foot and leg pain myself, and wearing the right type of shoes has helped reduce and eliminate the pain tremendously.

Remember that expensive shoes don’t automatically translate into better shoes for your child’s feet.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me directly at my e-mail if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes for your child. My e-mail address is:

Have you found a particular shoe style that is affordable and supportive at the same time? What is the lowest price that you have paid for your kids’ shoes? Please share your thoughts and experiences below so other parents can benefit from them.