Toddler Boy Leather Shoes – The Best Leather Shoes for Your Child!

Leather shoes are a great choice for keeping your kids’ feet and legs healthy. When it comes to choosing the perfect shoes for your child, I advise parents to go beyond fashion and price. Parents should also consider the materials that the shoes are made of as this will have a direct impact on the health of their child’s feet. Let me show you the best toddler boy leather shoes that I have fitted before.

I have spoken with several parents who are always complaining about how hard it is to find the correct pair of shoes for their kids. They always bring up the issue of how most shoe companies are manufacturing shoes overseas that are made of low-quality materials.

The Importance of Buying Shoes Made Out of Leather

As someone who has worked closely with kids and has been helping parents find the perfect pair of shoes for their kids, I have seen the key role that shoes play in keeping a child’s foot healthy. Choosing a shoe that is made from good quality materials such as leather will not only keep your kids’ feet comfortable, but it will keep them healthy as well.

You must avoid buying shoes made out of plastic or low-quality synthetic materials. Those types of shoes might save you money now but might end up costing you a lot more once your child develops a foot issue or a foot condition.

We have noticed the influx of fewer quality shoes made in China and Vietnam, as parents patronize these low-quality shoes because they are cheaper. These shoes fail to provide the necessary support and quality standards for the growth of your kids’ feet.

Leather is the best type of material you can get for your toddler, and even though they might cost a little bit more than other types of shoes —made of lower quality materials— they are totally worth the investment.

Why Are Leather Shoes Important? – Choose Them Right!

I have seen many parents who come to the shoe store to buy shoes for their kids who are overly concerned about the price of the shoe. While it is wise to be economical, saving money by buying low-quality shoes is just a false economy. The features that leather shoes provide are:

1️⃣ They mold to your child’s foot shape

2️⃣ They are breathable

3️⃣ They offer the correct amount of flexibility

Shoes made of low-quality materials can affect your kids’ feet in the following ways:

➡️ They might create blisters, calluses, and corns since shoes made out of plastic or low-quality synthetic materials will rub against your kids’ feet.

➡️ They may not be of standard length or width size which will affect growth.

➡️ They are made of inferior materials which means they won’t be as durable. Remember that your child should always outgrow his shoes before they wear them down or destroy them.

I have highlighted the benefits of leather shoes for a toddler boy; now I must tell you that there are so many different leather shoe styles for boys that is hard to choose which ones are the better ones for your child.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at a selection of the best leather shoes for toddlers. Disclosure: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases.

The Best Leather Shoes for Toddlers

Below you can find a selection of the best leather shoes for toddlers that can fit narrow, medium or wide feet.

When it comes to selecting the correct type of leather shoes for your child (or any type of shoes), getting the correct shoe width has the exact same importance as getting the correct shoe length. The reason why I mention this is because most parents make the mistake of measuring their kids’ shoe length, and just finding shoes according to the length of the child’s foot, ignoring the width area.

The correct shoe width helps prevent your kids’ toes from overlapping each other or being squeezed against the side of the shoe. Wearing the wrong shoe width can affect the growth of the feet which might lead to deformities.

Determining Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

You won’t be able to order the correct shoe size online if you don’t know your toddler’s foot size to begin with.

I always recommend parents take their children to their local shoe store, where a shoe fitter can properly measure their feet and find shoes that fit.

However, several parents have contacted me asking where they can get their shoes online since they don’t have a local children’s shoe store to take their children to. For those parents, I wrote a post where I describe the most simple and effective way to figure out your toddler’s foot size from home.

In that article I help parents determine their child’s exact foot size and whether the child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your child has a high instep or not.

Never underestimate the importance of well-fitting shoes!

Why Are Leather Shoes Important? – Keep Your Kids’ Feet Healthy!

The advantages of providing your child with a good pair of leather shoes are:

1️⃣ Durability: Leather shoes are the most durable types. You have to consider that toddlers are extremely active and they are always running around. With a leather shoe, you don’t have to worry about the shoe getting destroyed and your toddler will outgrow the shoe before anything happens to it.

2️⃣ Health: Leather shoes are healthy for the feet since they provide the correct amount of support for your toddler’s feet and help keep their feet dry and warm. Leather shoes prevent water from easily penetrating the shoe especially when walking on wet grass. However, this will not keep the feet dry when the kids step on a puddle —you will need a waterproof shoe for that— but it can still keep the feet warm and free from bacteria and infections.

3️⃣ They are fashionable and provide a better fit: Leather shoes tend to be very stylish, trendy and they are a better fit, offering better comfort to your toddler’s feet. Leather shoes provide extra cushion and are comfortable on the inside, and they provide better support for the growth of the feet. Leather shoes for your toddler boy will ensure that his feet will grow without any deformities and will prevent foot and leg pain.

4️⃣ Leather shoes are easy to maintain and clean: Toddlers are always running around playing hard, which means that they get their shoes dirty. Having a pair of shoes that are easy to clean is a huge advantage.

5️⃣ Leather shoes provide good breathability: They allow air to flow through the feet, enabling the feet to breathe. This prevents bacteria from building up in the feet and causing infection.

Good quality, supportive shoes are necessary for boys as they will support their feet as they grow. Please keep in mind that our feet are the foundation of our entire body and should be taken care of properly.

Leather shoes for boys can be more expensive, but they are totally worth it, as they will last longer and you will save money in the future by preventing foot and leg issues.

What Are the Best Leather Sandals for Kids?

I created a different resource that describes the best leather sandals for kids.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me directly at my e-mail if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes for your child.

Have you found a particular leather shoe style that has worked well for your toddler’s feet? Please share your findings below so other families can benefit from them.