Toddler Shoes with Arch Support – The Best Shoes to Keep Your Kids’ Feet Healthy!

Do you feel like there are no shoes in your toddler’s size that provide good arch support? If your toddler has flat feet or a different foot condition and your pediatrician or physical therapist recommends wearing a pair of shoes with arch support, you came to the right place. While most toddler shoes don’t provide a built-in-arch, certain styles provide supportive outsoles, firm heel counters, and straight lasts that can help treat and improve your child’s foot posture, walking gait, and balance.

Do Toddler Shoes with Arch Support Exist?

If you feel the inside of most toddlers’ shoes you will notice how none of them come with a built-in-arch. However, there are toddler shoes that can help prevent your toddler’s feet from collapsing and allow your toddler to walk and run straighter, as they come with certain supportive features that can make a tremendous difference.

What Makes the Shoes I Recommend Effective for Toddlers with Foot Problems?

The greatest benefit is that the shoes come with supportive outsoles and firm heel counters that will support your toddler’s feet and ankles. The shoes I recommend also help toddlers balance and keep them from falling when walking on uneven surfaces, while ensuring proper foot placement and leg alignment. 

1️⃣ Substantial Outsoles: The shoes provide a substantial outsole that is going to provide a stable base of support for your toddler’s feet. This outsole will also help cushion your toddler’s feet and minimize the impact that the feet receive every time they come in contact with the ground. This feature will prevent your toddler’s feet from collapsing and allow your toddler to walk and run straighter.

Let me show you the difference between one of the shoes that I recommend versus most toddler shoes. Do you notice how the shoe on the right has a substantial outsole compared to the shoe on the left? This is what makes the shoe I recommend so effective for toddlers who need extra support from their shoes.


2️⃣ Firmer Heel Counters: This feature supports and protects your toddler’s heels and ankles. If you are not sure what the heel counter of the shoe is, please take a look at the picture below for clarification:


3️⃣ Straight Lasts: This feature helps prevent the forefoot from pushing out. You need to stay away from shoes that have an excessively curved last as they lack heel stability. Take a look at the image below for better visualization purposes:

How to find out if your child's shoes provide straight lasts.

I have seen the positive impact that the shoes I recommend provide by actually trying them on toddlers and watching them walk. You will be able to tell the difference right away!

What a Difference These Shoes Can Make!

For example, are your toddler’s feet collapsing and turning inwards? When the feet and legs are not well aligned the body tries to correct this by putting pressure in areas where it’s not supposed to, which often leads to foot and leg pain. Let’s take a look at a picture of a flat-footed toddler standing barefoot. Do you notice how the feet are collapsing and turning inwards?

Before Image


Now let’s take a look at an image of the same toddler wearing a pair of shoes that I recommend. Do you notice how straighter the feet are?

After Image


If you provide your toddler with flat feet with a pair of the shoes that I recommend, the shoes will help prevent the feet from collapsing and this will improve your toddler’s overall posture.

Retrieving Your Toddler’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

Several families don’t have a local children’s shoe store that they trust and they must purchase their kids’ shoes online. If you are one of these parents start by reading an article on how to measure your kids’ foot. In this article I help parents determine their toddler’s exact foot size and whether the toddler has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your toddler has a high instep or not.

The Best Toddler Shoes with Arch Support to Improve Posture and Stability

These shoes can fit the shape of toddlers with medium (M), wide (W), or extra wide (XW) feet, so please choose the shoe width accordingly. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

If you believe that your toddler can benefit from extra support you should consider fitting an insole/orthotic inside the shoes for extra support and stability.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me directly via email if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes for your toddler.

Toddler Shoes with Arch Support – Watch Video!

Here is a video that will help you visualize the three key features that your toddler’s shoes must provide to compensate for the lack of arch support.

Have you found a pair of toddler shoes that provide good arch support? Share your findings in the comments section below so other families can benefit from your experiences.