Where Can You Get Your Kids’ Shoes During the COVID-19? – Find Out Now!

Nobody knows how long the COVID-19 is going to last and I believe it’s going to be a while before stores start to re-open their doors. I am no expert but realistically, I think we can expect COVID-19 to be a part of our lives for some time until there is a vaccine. Hopefully, this doesn’t mean that we are going to be in quarantine or lockdown until then, but we will definitely see the ripple effect.

Apart from groceries, people are being forced to shift all of their shopping online. Online retailers are temporarily closing their on-site stores, adjusting to this new situation. Even groceries you can buy online too!

I believe everyone is having a hard time adjusting nonetheless we need to embrace the situation the best way that we can!

Where Can You Get Your Kids’ Shoes During the COVID-19?

I have been contacted by several parents who want to know where they can get their kids’ shoes now that their local children’s shoe stores are closed.

I have been helping children with foot and leg problems find the correct pair of shoes for the last 10 years, working for a specialized children’s shoe store that focuses on helping children with “complicated” foot shapes as well as foot and leg problems. We provide regular shoe fitting as well, and I am familiar with the best shoe brands and the best shoe styles among those brands.

If your local shoe store is closed I suggest that you take a look at the article below which helps parents determine their child’s exact foot shape —narrow, medium, wide, extra wide, as well as instep height— and your child’s exact foot length. I provide this service for free.

I know that most families are going through financial challenges right now, so I spent several hours researching to find supportive and high-quality shoe styles that are on sale right now. Even if you are not currently faced with financial challenges we should be all using our budget wisely!

One of the online retail places I recommend parents to buy their kids’ shoes is Amazon, as Amazon offers the best prices. However, during the COVID-19 Amazon’s move is to prioritize the stock and delivery of essentials to the world. Anything that it feels that is non-essential within its storefront, Amazon is letting the stock deplete. This means that you might have to wait a long time to get your kids’ shoes delivered.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are having trouble finding a particular shoe style for your child’s feet online. It’s highly likely that I have fitted it before, and I will help you find it: [email protected]

Stay safe, and take care of you and your family!