Adidas Superstar Shoes for Toddlers – Are You Hurting Your Toddler’s Feet?

Do you want to provide your toddler with a pair of Adidas Superstar shoes but you want to make sure that they are safe to wear? This is a very trendy shoe style and it might be one of the cutest shoes I have seen for toddlers, but also one of the most hurtful ones. Allow me to elaborate. These are the 2 main reasons why I believe the Adidas Superstar shoes will be more hurtful than helpful for your toddler’s feet.

Two Main Reasons Why Adidas Superstar Shoes Might Hurt Your Toddler’s Feet

➡️ Reason #1: The shoes might not be wide enough for your toddler’s feet.

One thing I have noticed through my years of fitting children’s shoes is how most toddlers tend to have wide or extra wide feet. Some of them might still be carrying a little baby fat, that will go away as they keep growing.

Most families who bring their toddlers to the shoe store wearing the Adidas Superstar shoes complain that their child developed a blister or has red marks on the top of their feet. By this point, this is not a surprise to me. The most common reason why children develop blisters is from wearing shoes that are too narrow. Shoes that are too narrow can make your toddler’s toes overlap against one another or rub against the side of the shoes.

If you notice red marks or indentations on the top part of your toddler’s feet (instep), this is a sign that the shoes might not be deep enough.

Let me ask you something, do you always have a hard time getting the Adidas Superstar shoes on your toddler’s feet? Do you feel like you are always shoving the shoes on? If this is the case then it’s very likely that the shoe is not deep enough for your child’s feet.

➡️ Reason #2: The Shoes are too Rigid

Let’s say your toddler has narrow or medium width feet and can wear the shoes comfortably. There is another important reason why you shouldn’t provide your toddlers with this specific shoe style.

Have you ever picked up a pair of Adidas All Star shoes for toddlers and tried to bend them at the front? The first time I did this I was shocked by how rigid the shoe was. I literally couldn’t bend the front of the outsole at all. 

If your toddler is already walking confidently, you’ll want a shoe that will allow for flexibility and a full range of motion. Your toddler’s shoes should always bend with your toddler’s toes. If your toddler is already walking, the shoes should bend at the ball of the foot but no further. I have put together a short video to help you visualize what I mean:

Keep in mind that if your toddler has wide or extra wide feet and a high instep you should look for a different type of shoe that will accommodate the shape of your toddler’s feet better.

Do You Know Your Toddler’s Exact Foot Shape?

If you are unsure of your toddler’s foot shape, I suggest that you take a look at a different article I wrote that helps parents to accurately determine their child’s correct foot length and width, as well as instep height. My service is 100% free and all that you need is a measuring tape or a ruler and two pictures of your child’s feet. I have already helped hundreds of families figure out their child’s exact foot length and shape, and I will be happy to help you too.

If you decide to give the Adidas Superstar shoe a try because your toddler’s feet are narrow or medium width, then please don’t make this shoe his or her everyday pair of sneakers. You can allow your toddler to wear the shoes occasionally, but I wouldn’t recommend wearing them for more than 3 hours a day.

If you just purchased a pair of the Adidas Superstar shoes and you are unsure whether they might be wide enough for your toddler’s feet do not hesitate to contact me and I will help you figure this out:

Which Are the Best Shoes for Toddlers?

If you want to see a selection of the best shoes for toddlers I suggest that you visit a different resource I created.

I wanted to tell all families that when they bring their toddlers to be fitted for shoes at the shoe store I work for it is always a rewarding, but challenging experience. This is one of the areas where I feel greater responsibility and conscientious effort on my part, since the future health and development of the toddler’s foot is my personal responsibility and parents are placing their trust in me.

I understand some families want to provide their children with trendy shoes, and this is totally fine, as long as the shoes fit the shape of your child’s feet and provide the correct amount of support and flexibility.