Shoes for Children with Curly Toes – Extra Depth and Rounder Toe-Boxes!

Has your child been diagnosed with curly toes? The cause of why children develop curly toes is not always known, and it is believed to be hereditary. The good news is that this condition can be treated by wearing the correct pair of shoes and in some cases, depending on the degree of the condition, orthotics as well. In this resource, I am going to show you a list of the best shoes for children with curly toes.

If your child has been diagnosed with curly toes, don’t panic! Did you know that curly toes are one of the most common foot problems in childhood? After going through several studies I found out that only 1 in 10 cases of curly toes causes trouble. However, this doesn’t mean that the condition should be left untreated.

The Importance of Being Proactive!

There is one thing I am always emphasizing to parents of children with foot issues: Addressing your child’s foot conditions from an early stage can prevent future foot, knee, leg, back, and neck problems.

I always recommend parents to be proactive and don’t take the “wait and see approach” when it comes to treating their children’s foot conditions. Leaving your children’s foot conditions untreated can only lead to the condition getting worse.

Curly toes are quite common and are usually present at birth, and are also referred to as overlapping and underlapping toes. This condition tends to affect the third, fourth, and fifth toes.

It’s important that we work on moving the toes apart and aligning them correctly, which will help prevent problems with the foot later on. If you leave this condition untreated, your child might have to deal with joint deformity, calluses formation, or skin breakdown due to the constant rubbing. Your child will also be more prone to develop calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails and corns.

Common Signs of Curly Toes

The curly toe can be quite visible, but this condition might go unnoticed until the child starts to walk. You will have a better chance of noticing if your child has a curly toe by looking at the toes while your child is weight-bearing rather than off weight-bearing.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms include open sores, inflammation and redness, burning sensation on the affected toe, toe pain or irritation when wearing shoes, and a thickening of the skin between the toes, on the ball of the foot, or elsewhere.

What Causes Curly Toes?

Did you know that wearing shoes that are too narrow or too shallow are one of the most common causes of curly toes? I have seen several cases of children with curly toes, and the one thing that you must make sure of is that you provide your child with shoes that don’t constrict the toes. The correct type of shoes and in certain cases, orthotic insoles, will help prevent the progression of the deformity.

When children wear shoes that are too narrow, the toes get cramped inside the shoes and start rubbing against one another or the side of the shoes.

I am not a doctor, but I have a lot of experience when it comes to fitting children’s shoes. From my experience fitting hundreds of kids, I have become familiar with the best shoe brands for children with curly toes and the best styles among those brands.


Most doctors don’t recommend any treatment before the child reaches the age of 5, since this condition can improve spontaneously with growth between the first 6 years of life.

I also don’t recommend any intervention as long as your child is not complaining about pain with activity. If you notice that your child starts having stability issues, excessive pronation, or complains about foot pain, then please make sure that your child is wearing the correct pair of shoes.

What Makes the Shoes I Recommend Effective for Curly Toes?

One of the biggest issues that parents of children with curly toes face is finding shoes that fit properly. There are 2 key features that your kids’ shoes must provide to help treat and prevent this condition from worsening:

1️⃣ Extra Depth: Shoes that provide extra depth allow the child’s feet to fit deeply inside the shoes, and prevent the top part of the feet from rubbing against the top part of the shoes. Most importantly, shoes that provide extra depth help prevent the child’s toes from rubbing against one another or the top part of the shoes.

Let me show you what I mean by shoes that provide extra depth. Let’s compare a shoe that provides extra depth versus one that doesn’t. These shoes are the same length and width, but as you can see they will fit very differently:

To help you better visualize the difference in depth, I fitted an orthotic inside 2 shoes. Do you notice how the orthotic is fitting a lot deeper in the shoe on the right compared to the shoe on the left?

2️⃣ Rounder Toe-Boxes: Shoes with rounder toe-boxes also help prevent the child’s toes from rubbing against one another or the side of the shoes.

Let’s compare a shoe with a round toe-box versus one with a pointier one. Do you notice how the shoe on the right has a much rounder toe-box compared to the shoe on the left?


Parents are often confused as to how they are supposed to find shoes that provide extra depth and a rounder toe-box if shoes don’t come labeled that way. The only way to tell if a shoe provides those 2 features is by having fitted the shoe before.

In addition to finding shoes that provide those two key features, we also need the shoes to be supportive, lightweight, and flexible.

I am going to make things easy for you and provide you with a selection of shoes that provide all of those features, but please keep in mind that if you don’t provide your child with the correct shoe size, your child won’t get any of the benefits that the shoes have to offer.

This is why I always recommend parents take their kids to be properly fitted for shoes at their specialized children’s shoe store. The issue is that most stores have been closing down, and parents don’t know where to take their kids to be properly fitted for shoes.

How to Retrieve Your Child’s Exact Foot Length and Shape

Start by taking a look at a resource I created where I showcase the best children’s shoe stores by state.

If after looking at that resource you still can’t seem to find a store in your area, then take a look at an article that I created that describes the simplest, yet most effective way to figure out your child’s exact foot size from home.

Now that you know what features the shoes I recommend provide and how to figure out your child’s exact foot size from home, you are ready to take a look at a selection of the best shoes for kids with curly toes.

These are the deepest shoes with the roundest toe-boxes that I have fitted before, and they are also available in different widths such as medium (M), wide (W), and extra wide (XW). Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

The first selection of shoes is for babies who are learning how to walk or in the process of already walking unassisted. 

The Best Shoes for Curly Toes: Babies

The Best Shoes for Curly Toes: Toddlers and Older Kids

What Are the Best Socks for Children with Curly Toes?

One common mistake parents make is to focus solely on footwear and ignore the importance of wearing the correct type of socks. Just like shoes, the wrong type of socks can constrict toe movement and make your child’s curly toe condition worsen.

I recommend parents to provide their children with seamless socks, as seamless socks help reduce the likelihood of your child’s toes rubbing or overlapping against one another.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are having trouble finding a particular shoe style for your child’s particular foot condition or “complicated” foot shape. My e-mail address is: [email protected]

Before trying a more invasive option, I always recommend fitting the child in the correct pair of shoes, and if needed, shoe inserts with a toe raise to help the toes align correctly. Toe spacers that go between the toes are not as effective in holding the toes apart, but they are another option you might want to try.

It’s really important that you provide your child with the correct pair of shoes to help treat the condition and prevent it from getting worse, since shoes that are too narrow and/or too shallow can be a contributing cause for curly toes.