Shoes for Different Size Feet – The Best Shoes for Kids with Different Size Feet

Few children have two feet that are exactly the same size, and the difference between their feet is normally not apparent. However, certain children have more than two full shoe sizes difference between their feet, and in this case, they might require wearing different shoe sizes. I am going to show you a list of the best shoes for children with different size feet and which companies sell two different-sized shoes for the price of one.
Do You Need to Order Two Different Sized Shoes?
The fact is, when children have more than a whole size and a half difference between their feet, you must provide them with two different pairs of shoe sizes, otherwise, there will be too much extra space on the shorter foot. This will allow for too much foot movement which might lead to foot issues such as blisters, calluses, or corns.
What Children Usually Need Two Different Sized Shoes?
My advice to parents is not to stress out about their kids’ foot size difference. It’s not a big deal. I have helped several children with this condition, and if you are in the hands of someone who knows what type of shoes to look for, you will have no problems fitting your child in the correct pair of shoes.
What types of foot issues require different shoe sizes?
1️⃣ Club foot
2️⃣ AFO orthotics: Sometimes, children don’t have a large size discrepancy between their feet, but they might be wearing ankle-foot orthosis or another type of orthotic that takes a lot of room. In these cases, we must also provide those children with two different shoe sizes.

Which Companies Allow Parents to Buy Mismatched Shoe Sizes for Kids?
Needing two different sized shoes for your child doesn’t mean that you have to pay for two different pairs of shoes. Most stores will give you the second pair at cost, which means 50% off the original price (this is what most shoe stores will do). Some other shoe companies will give you a second pair for free. You can learn about what shoe companies allow this policy in a different resource I created.
Buying Shoes for Kids Who Have a Large Size Discrepancy Between Their Feet
Let’s take a look at what steps you need to take once you find out that your children have a considerable size difference between their feet.
1️⃣ The first step is to figure out which foot size is longer than the other. I always recommend taking your children to be fitted at your kids’ local shoe store to be properly fitted for shoes. The issue is that most stores have been closing down and parents need to end up buying their kids’ shoes online. There is nothing wrong with this, but you must know your child’s exact foot size to know what size to order.
I created a virtual shoe fitting service that will help you retrieve your child’s shoe size from home. In that article I help parents determine their child’s exact foot size and whether the child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your child has a high instep or not.
2️⃣ The second step is to look for shoes that provide extra depth and are supportive, lightweight, flexible, and breathable. Here is when I come into play since I will help you find them!
Best Shoes for Children with Different Size Feet
If your child’s foot size difference is less than two full shoe sizes, I suggest that you look into getting shoes with extra depth to make the size difference less noticeable. Please contact me with your child’s specific foot shape (narrow, medium, wide, extra wide), the shoe size that your child wears, and the country that you are contacting me from to check what specific shoes you might be able to order. My e-mail address is:

Is it true that some children’s foot size can change over time? Yes, and this can happen for a couple of different reasons:
- Foot injuries.
- Foot deformities.
- Repetitive use of the same foot in a particular sport.
Some people who have been living with foot size discrepancies can tell you how challenging this condition can be and how hard it will be to find shoes that fit.
I know ikiki will sell you two different sized shoes if you need them for orthotics or different foot sizes.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for letting us know.
I recently came across the foot size differences while buying shoes with my friend for our sons. Her son does have one foot slightly longer than the other, and I thought that was odd. I never really thought about this before. I think your advice for buying two pairs of shoes would be the best. Although my friend uses extra cushioning stuff to put in the shoe that doesn’t quite fit her son’s foot. Wouldn’t that be uncomfortable, though?
Having a half a size difference between the feet is totally normal.The issue comes when the child has more than a half a size difference between his feet. That can create several foot problems since the smaller foot is being fitted in a shoe that is too long.
It depends on what “extra cushioning stuff” she is putting inside the shoe. For example,tongue pads can be a great solution for a shoe that is slighter bigger. Show your friend this article I wrote: Leather Shoe Tongue Pads – Stop Heel Slippage
such a coincidence i’ve came across this website because i was just saying to family the other day i really need to get my sons feet measured and every time we have previously been to get his feet measured one foot is always bigger than the other and also wider. its very hard to find suitable shoes to fit my son.
It is important that you take your child to have his feet properly measured at your local kids’ shoe store. They will be able to find shoes for your child. But be careful where you take him. Avoid big retailers such as Stride RIte or Nordstrom’s since their employees don’t seem to know what they are doing.
I wrote a post where I explain this further:The Best Place To Buy Kids Shoes – Avoid Stride Rite, Nordstrom, Payless…
Interesting information. I don’t remember if my child had both feet measured when purchasing shoes. I guess that is something to stress to the “fitter” if they don’t. Could foot measuring be something that could be incorporated at pediatric check ups? So many people these days buy their lil ones shoes at discount store and of course they don’t measure…Just a thought. Not sure if you researched that. Little ones can’t tell us one or the other foot hurts
You bring up a good point but pediatricians actually have no clue about how shoes are suppose to fit. They will be able to tell you if your child is flat footed or might need certain shoes with orthotics, but definitely they have zero training on fitting shoes.
I always advise to take your kids’ to your local children’s shoe store to have their feet properly measured! if you don’t have a local kids’ shoe store that you trust, my website has every single answer to any question you might have about your kids feet.
I learned a lot from this article. The people who live near you are really lucky to have a specialty shoe shop with professional fitters! I’m glad that you have resources and suggestions on your site to help those that don’t have access.
My feet are the same size but I have a bunion on one (not only old people have them!) so choosing the right shoe is important. Do you know which are the best shoes for a child that has an extra wide foot? My son has the widest feet and I just cant seem to find shoes that fit.
Jenny,Finding the correct pair of shoes for your child is really important to prevent foot issues and foot injuries. If your child has a wide foot, it is important to get him the correct shoe width. I wrote a post where I describe the best shoes for children’s with wide feet. The post is called:
Extra Wide Children’s Shoes
It is so true about feet being different sizes. I just thought as a child that it was normal to have one foot feel tighter in my shoes than the other. The irony is that I have also found the best shoes for this are ones that are a bit wider in nature. I almost exclusively wear New Balance and Asics shoes due to the way they fit both feet well. The issue for me is the toe box and Nike’s toe box generally is too narrow for both of my feel to feel comfortable. Also I would experience knee pain while wearing Nikes. Odd. I don’t feel any knee or ankle pain with New Balance. Great shoes.
Best wishes,
This is also true for children shoes. New Balance, Asics, and I will add Saucony are the top three brands for children’s feet. Nike tends to be very fashion oriented, but they don’t tend to fit as well and they don’t provide as nearly as much support as other brands. You will probably be interested in reading one of my posts that is called: The Best Shoe Brands For Kids- The 5 Most Durable And Affordable Brands