The Best Overshoe Boots for Kids – Makes Life Easier for Kids, Parents and Teachers!

Are you looking for a practical boot that your child can easily put on and take off without having to remove his or her sneakers? Do you know what an overshoe boot is? An overshoe boot goes over your child’s sneakers, cleats, or dress shoes and protects your kids’ feet from inclement weather. An overshoe is very effective in keeping your kids’ shoes dry and clean.

Why do parents like to provide their children with overshoe boots? It saves them time and money! I still remember when I introduced these boots at the store for the first time, one parent’s reaction was: “I had no idea products like this even existed and I’m glad, they are so convenient and they will save us so much time”. The overshoe boots that I recommend in this article are the ones that fit better and are made of high-quality materials that are durable and supportive.

Below you can find a selection of the best overshoe boots for kids. Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

The Best Overshoe Boots for Kids

From everyday sneakers to delicate ballerinas flats, keep them dry and protected from all inclement weather.

These boots are the perfect choice in all inclement weather as they are waterproof and insulated. All your kids have to do is pull out the liner, step into their boots – they can be wearing any pair of shoes – secure the strap and they are ready to go! Please let me emphasize this: They can use these boots with any pair of shoes that you might think of.

Let’s say you are running late to soccer practice on a rainy day and instead of having your children switch back and forth from their rain boots to their soccer cleats, they can wear their overshoe (over the cleats) and you will end up saving a lot of time.

Overshoe Boots – Making Sure They Fit Correctly

When buying a pair of these overshoe boots please make sure to purchase them two sizes bigger than your child’s shoe size.

Overshoe Boots – The 7 Most Important Features!

Let me show you the advantages of providing your child with an overshoe boot:

1️⃣ Easy on and easy off: These boots are practical, tear-resistant and easy to use. They will help your kids develop a sense of independence as they will be able to put them on and take them off by themselves.

2️⃣ 100% Waterproof: Butler boots are the perfect boot to keep your kids’ feet warm and dry, whatever the weather might look like. Your child will be able to splash around or stay outside building snowmen for hours. From rain and sun to snow and cold, these boots have your child’s feet covered.

3️⃣ Fits any shoes: Because they have a very flexible design and they open up widely, you will be able to fit any type of shoe inside them, from high-top sneakers to ballet slippers.

4️⃣ Slip-resistant outsole: This feature helps prevent your children from slipping and sliding as they are walking on wet surfaces.

5️⃣ Fit AFO, orthotics and special needs friendly: These boots can accommodate a shoe with orthotics and they can be worn by all children. The boots provide extra depth, so you won’t have any problem fitting your child’s shoes with AFO braces inside the boots.

6️⃣ Ultra-lightweight: These boots are lightweight, so you can easily carry them with you wherever you go.

7️⃣ Made in USA: These boots are manufactured in the United States, which ensures the highest quality product and helps support the local economy.

One of the greatest features I found about these boots is how they will accommodate a child who wears orthotics. Most parents who have children who wear AFO braces or another orthotic that takes so much room inside the shoes will tell you how important this feature is.

Shoe companies don’t make boots to fit over AFO braces and parents end up empty-handed and not knowing what to do about this situation. Now you can prevent your child’s feet from getting cold when playing outside in the winter.

Are You Completely Confident About Determining Your Kid’s Foot Size

Parents should take their children to their local children’s shoe store that they trust, the issue is that most stores have been closing down and parents need to end up buying their kids’ shoes online. There is nothing wrong with this, but you must know your child’s exact foot size to know what size to order.

I created a virtual shoe fitting service that will help you retrieve your child’s shoe size from home. In that article I help parents determine their child’s exact foot size and whether the child has narrow, medium, wide, or extra wide feet. I also will be able to tell you whether your child has a high instep or not.

Let’s Take A Look At What Parents Are Saying About These Boots:

“Perfect for children who wear AFO’s” 

My son wears an AFO orthotic (a rigid plastic brace) that covers his left leg from foot to knee. We always have a hard time finding shoes that are wide and deep enough to fit over this equipment but finding a pair of waterproof winter boots is nearly impossible.

These boots are absolutely perfect! Since they are designed to fit over sneakers (sizing isn’t an issue), we just bought the size boot that would work with the size sneaker that my son wears over the AFO. We love how my son can wear these waterproof boots in the snow and rainy days as well.

“Best boots for kids with sensory issues” 

My friend recommended me to purchase these boots for my son. I have been looking everywhere for this type of boot that goes OVER the shoe and finally found them on Amazon for the best price. The issue with my son is that he has sensory issues and always want his shoes feeling “extra tight”, like they are hugging his feet.

This is an issue because most rain boots provide that lose feel, and we always had to play outside with a pair of thick socks to try to keep his feet warm. These boots are the perfect solution since he can wear them over his tight pair of shoes.

“I wasn’t expecting to love these boots as much as I do”

These boots are SO convenient. We have been saving so much time and my daughter even loves how they look. They keep her feet warm, dry and comfortable at the same time. Now I will be buying some for my son and will be buying these until they grow out of their sizes.

Let’s say that you have invested in a pair of good quality shoes for your child and now it’s time to protect that investment from the elements and let your child play and run around their favorite perfect-fit shoes every day, whatever the weather.

Get in Touch for a Personalized Shoe Recommendation

Do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any further questions or if you need a different pair of shoes for your child.

Is there a particular overshoe boot that you can recommend? Please share your findings in the comments section below so other parents can benefit from your experiences.