Kids’ Shoes for Extra Wide Feet – Extra Depth and Rounder Toe-Boxes

Do you have a child with extra wide feet and are having the hardest time finding shoes that fit? Do you feel like you try a whole bunch of different shoes but you always end up empty-handed? Finding a pair of shoes for a child with extra wide feet can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience. I am going to show you a list of the best kids’ shoes for extra wide feet based on my many years of shoe fitting experience.

Help! – My Kids’ Feet Look Like Frying Pans!

When parents find out that their children have extra wide feet they tend to ask me this question: Are my child’s feet always going to stay extra wide?

My answer is: It depends on each child. In most cases, the child’s feet tend to narrow down as they get older, but in certain cases, children keep their extra wide width feet for the rest of their lives.

Most parents don’t realize that there are shoes for extra wide feet available. I have heard plenty of parents mistakenly say, “My child’s feet are too wide to wear dress shoes” or “My child’s feet are too wide to wear sandals”.

While it’s true that there may be limited shoe styles available, I want you to remember that there is always at least one shoe style out there that will fit the shape of your child’s extra wide feet perfectly, and I will help you find it.

Pro Tip: If you’re pressed for time, you can go straight to the selection of extra wide shoes for kids.

Images of Children with Extra Wide Feet

Most Common Mistakes Parents Make

One of the most common mistakes I see parents make when trying to find shoes for their children with extra wide feet is assuming that once they find a shoe style that is labeled as extra wide (XW), that shoe will automatically fit the shape of their child’s extra wide feet. In addition to finding a shoe style that is available in extra wide, your kids’ shoes must provide two other features which are rounded toe-boxes and extra depth.

What Makes the Shoes that I Recommend Ideal for Children with Extra Wide Feet?

1️⃣ Extra Depth: Shoes that provide extra depth allow your child’s feet to sit deeply inside the shoes and prevent the top part of the feet from rubbing against the top part of the shoes. This feature prevents blisters by preventing the top part of your kids’ toes from rubbing against the top front part of the shoes. Let’s take a look at the difference between a shoe that provides extra depth versus one that doesn’t:

2️⃣ Rounder Toe-Box: This feature prevents the child’s toes from overlapping against one another or rubbing against the side of the shoes. Let’s visualize how a deeper shoe style looks like compared to a shoe with regular depth. Do you notice how much deeper the shoe on the right is compared to the shoe on the left?

How are you supposed to find shoes that provide these two features if shoes don’t come labeled as “extra deep” or with “rounder toe-boxes”? There are only certain styles that provide these two features, but the good news is that I will help you find them.

If you provide your child with shoes that are too narrow, you can make your child more prone to developing blisters, calluses, and corns.

Wide feet in children are common. Over the years, I have seen hundreds of children who came into the store with extra wide feet and a high instep and I was always able to find the right pair of shoes for them.

Does Your Child Have a High Instep?

Do you happen to have a child that has extra wide feet and a high instep? The instep is the top part of the foot, and when it’s high then it makes it so much harder to find shoes that fit. Take a look at the picture below that shows an example of the foot of a child with a high instep:

If you happen to have a child with extra wide feet and a high instep, then you must definitely find a shoe that is labeled as extra wide (XW), and that is also deep and comes with a round toe-box.

I only write reviews of shoe styles that I have fitted before, otherwise, I wouldn’t know how well-made they are, the amount of support that they provide, and how they fit. 

Without further ado, let’s take a look at a selection of the best kids’ shoes for extra wide feet.  Disclosure: Some links in this post may be affiliate links and we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you click our links and make purchases.

The Best Kids’ Shoes for Extra Wide Feet

Below you can find a selection of the best kids’ sneakers that come with a round toe-box, provide extra depth, and are also available in extra wide widths (XW).

Are You 100% Sure of Your Child’s Foot Size? – Let’s Find Out!

I always recommend parents have their children’s feet properly measured at their local children’s shoe store, where a shoe fitter can find the perfect pair of shoes for your child. The issue is that most parents don’t have a local kids’ shoe store in their area, and they must end up purchasing their kids’ shoes online.

If you still can’t seem to find a store in your area, then proceed to read a virtual fitting service where I describe the simplest and most effective way to figure out your child’s foot size from home.

How to Tell If Your Kids’ Shoes Are Too Narrow? – Let’s Find Out!

There is a simple method you can follow to figure out if your child is wearing shoes that are too narrow. Have your child wear his/her shoes on and check whether you notice a small bump on the side of the shoes. Take a look at the image below for visualization purposes:

That bump is the child’s little toe (pinky toe) being pressed against the side of the shoes.

Shoes for Kids with Extra Wide Feet – 5 Additional Features!

These are 5 additional features that the shoes I recommended provide:

1️⃣ Substantial Outsoles: This feature provides shock absorption and minimizes the impact that your kids’ feet and legs take every time they come in contact with the ground.

2️⃣ Firm Heel Counters: This feature provides ankle support by cushioning your kids’ heels.

3️⃣ Lightweight and Flexible: The shoes must be supportive, but lightweight and flexible at the same time to prevent your kids’ feet and legs from easily getting tired.

4️⃣ Breathable: This feature prevents your kids’ feet from sweating too much.

5️⃣ Durable: Your children should always outgrow the shoes before they destroy them. Your kids’ shoes need to be made of durable materials.

Are Any Other Shoe Choices Available?

Whether you need an everyday pair of sneakers, dress shoes, sandals, hiking/snow boots, Mary Janes or sport shoes, I will help you find them. Please contact me directly if you are having trouble finding a particular shoe style for your child with extra wide feet:

[email protected]

Additional Resources for Children with Extra Wide Feet

I have created several resources for children with extra wide feet, and some of the most popular ones describe a list of sandals, boots, and dress shoes.

Stop Fitting Your Child in Shoes That Are Too Narrow – Here’s Why!

If your child is wearing shoes that are too small or too narrow, you are putting your child at risk of developing serious foot deformities such as bunions, corns, or blisters.

The most common problem I have seen is the development of corns. The hard corn usually starts as red skin, followed by a coating of callus, which develops into a hard corn. Most hard corns form on the side of the little toe —thus the importance of shoes coming with a round toe-box— but are also found in other places where there is steady pressure and abrasion.

The goal is to prevent the corn since they are hard to get rid of. The other main problems of providing your child with shoes that are too narrow are:

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Hammertoe
  • Aching feet

Do you happen to need a pair of extra wide shoes for yourself? I have also fitted several moms that came to the store with extra wide feet in deep shoes with a round toe-box. I am familiar with which are the best shoe styles for women with extra wide feet, and you can learn which ones they are in a different website.

Do you have a child that has extra wide feet? Are you having the hardest time finding a particular shoe style that fits? Certainly, contact me via e-mail or in the comments section if you have any questions.